Physical Therapy In Pregnancy and Postpartum

Pregnancy and post-partum are times in a woman’s life that bring about many feelings; excitement, anticipation, joy, nervousness, and sometimes discomfort. A number of changes happen to your body during and after pregnancy. It can take several weeks or months to get back to the condition you were in before you became pregnant, and there are some things that will just never be the same!

Physical therapists are experts in treating the musculoskeletal system (the muscles, joints, and the surrounding soft tissues of the body). Physical therapists that are specially trained in women’s health can safely and effectively help women overcome issues that arise during the childbearing year so that women can focus on these amazing life experiences without pain or further undue stress.

Physical therapists utilize their specialized medical training to thoroughly evaluate each patient and design treatment programs that address her individual needs. It is the goal of the therapist to empower the patient and make her a partner in her care. Physical therapy is proven to be successful in the care of pregnant and post-partum patients. The carry-over of healthy habits, exercises, and skills the patient acquires through physical therapy treatment helps her transition through the childbearing year and prepare her for the constant physical demands of raising a young child.

Please contact Advanced Pelvic Surgery in West Chester to learn more about Physical Therapy in Pregnancy and Postpartum.